Today was yet another challenging day because Clara looked like this:

She spiked a fever, didn't nap well, hadn't slept well last night, and didn't want to be put down when she was awake.
But as I went through my day I thought about all the things I could write about that made me smile.
First I found Ivy "reading" out loud to herself:

Next I saw more new leaves on my Tulip tree:

I considered writing a post about laundry. To explain that while I hate doing laundry my favorite part is when it is hanging on the line:
Then I saw Piper NOT causing trouble and remembered that I would like to elaborate on her craftiness one day:
And at the end of the day the sight of broiler chickens on fresh pasture made me smile:
All in all it was a tough day. When Clara needs more attention Ivy gets less, causing her to act up more, and to top it off John got home hours later than normal. But when I returned from moving my chickens, just in time to sit down to dinner John looked at me and said, "You seem happy."
And he was right!
One of the up sides of my day is coming home and reading your blog to relax. I hope you don't stop or I may have to turn to alcohol.
Your washing looks wonderful hanging on the line! And your dog looks lovely. But Clara looks a bit sad ):